Enter both your first name AND your last name.
A valid email address. All emails from educate.ie will be sent to this email address. Your email address will not be made public and will only be used if you wish to receive a new password or wish to receive updates or notifications by email.
Type your school roll number which consists of 5 numbers and a letter - you will be asked to confirm this is your school.
Please provide your school subjects here. This will enable educate.ie to get the best relevant information to you about your subjects.
{{ match }}
{{ subject }} X
Is this your school?
No matches for {{ roll_no }}
Please select 'YES' if this is your school. If it is not, please select 'NO' and search again.
{{ tempSchool.name }}
{{ tempSchool.address }}
{{ tempSchool.town }}
{{ tempSchool.county }}
{{ tempSchool.address }}
{{ tempSchool.town }}
{{ tempSchool.county }}
If you think that you have submitted a correct roll number, please contact us by emailing support@educate.ie or by phone
on 01 4693709 and we'll try to help.